Paver Patterns

by Sean

We are having pavers put down on a new patio and walkway and are confused about paver patterns.

The walkway begins at the front of our home and leads along the side, then connects to the back yard, where the new patio will be.

Originally we thought about using the same stone and pattern for both the patio and walkway.
What are your thoughts on having different colors or patterns for both the patio and walkway?

Our thought was to use the same color scheme but use a vertical pattern for the walkway, and use five different sized stones to create a random pattern for the patio.
Should we use the same pattern for both but different color schemes?

What are your thoughts?


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Apr 03, 2008
Paver Design
by: Susan

Hi Sean,
It sound like you are thinking things out well.
I like the walkway and patio to blend well together. I am not a fan of changing colors completely. That being said, sometimes paver patterns can be produced with, for example, 80% of one color and 20% of another. If you were doing this on your patio, you might consider making the walkway the color which is 80%. This can get complicated, and it doesn't sound like the route you are going, so I will suggest the following.

You could make both the walkway and patio exactly the same (as were your first thoughts). You can't go wrong with this concept. In addition, I always try to look at the total landscape picture, not just the paver design which includes plants and possibly other amenities.

The second idea, possibly slightly more creative, would be to take the pattern you are using on the patio design, random, and change the direction for the walkway. You might consider laying the patio paver pattern on the diagonal and laying the pavers for the walkway in a straight pattern.

Another idea would be to use the random pattern for the patio, but instead of using all five sizes for the walkway, only use three. You would just have to make sure the three fit together in a pattern. You may also use two or four of the sizes. In this scenario, lay the walk in the same pattern/direction as the patio.

As you can see, I like to just make one alteration, if any. This keeps the design sophisticated and simple, yet interesting. Any of the above three options would be fine.

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