Types of Lawn Grass Seeds 
Which One To Choose?

There are many types of lawn grass seeds. Having a lush, full lawn is necessary for the rest of your landscape to look good!

Not only is a lush lawn beautiful, but it also enhances the landscape, making trees, shrubs and perennials look better. There are different types of grass seed that can be planted. What type of grass seed you plant often depends on what grass seed types you want…rugged for play areas, fast growing grass seed, grass seed for shade, or just plain beautiful!

Cool season grass seed grows best in spring and fall and can usually withstand much of the colder winter weather, which is not the way it is with warm season grass seed. Here you will find the more popular varieties of cool season grasses.

Kentucky Blue Grass Seed

One of the best lawn grass seeds is Kentucky Bluegrass. It is a popular grass

seed variety as it is quite easy to grow and produces a lush, dark green, fine textured blade.

It takes longer to germinate than other grass seeds, but it is well worth it. Consider using a mix of Kentucky Blue Grass with other types of seed.

If the area has mild summers and gets good watering, the results will be very nice. Keep in mind that this is a cool season grass and should the temperature reach anywhere from 85 degrees and upward, this grass will stop growing and start to wilt.

Fescue Grass Seed (Red Bladed/Fine Bladed)

Fescues and Kentucky Bluegrass are varieties which are often combined together to obtain the perfect grass consistency and growth patterns. Fescues require low nitrogen which makes their growth even more likely. The fast growth reduces weeds. These Fescues fight off most insects too. You can overseed in the spring with Red Fescue to help poor lawns and those with patchy areas. For optimal results for those who live in the South, use Red Fescue with Bermuda grass in the winter as this will keep it looking great year-round.

Please visit my page on Lawn Watering Tips. This will help the establishment of your new lawn grass seeds along with existing lawn maintenance.

Tall Fescue Grass Seed

Tall Fescue is the toughest variety of all the grasses as this can withstand low water periods and does great in those high traffic locations in your yard, such as play areas. This course textured grass does well in shade.

Perennial Rye Grass

Perennial Ryegrass is very tough and a fast grower. Use it for quick germination. Mix it with Kentucky Bluegrass for an allover good lawn. It is a good idea to keep the Perennial Ryegrass portion at around 20%. If you want a grass which is insect-resistant and produces not much thatch at all, the Perennial Ryegrass is a good choice.

Now that you know a bit more about the advantages of different types of grass seed, take a look at the seed mixture percentages on the back of the bag when purchasing. And look out for the weed content too! There are many new mixtures available, such as those that need less water due to special additives.

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