Bluestone Patio Costs Per Square Foot
Pricing Options

If you’d like to know what bluestone patio costs per square foot are, find out below. But that’s not all! I also show you what one of my patio designs actually costs with a seat wall and landing. You can remove each of the extra features (wall and porch) and see what the patio alone would be.

See what this patio costs.

Bluestone patio with landing and steps - what does it cost?

This patio is dry laid bluestone. It’s a geometric design with a twist…one section has an arc as you will see in a photo below. There is a seat wall near this area made of natural dry stacked stone with a bluestone cap on top. This creates a smooth sitting area.

Nice, but patio costs can be reduced by having a smaller patio.

Wide landing and two steps create a nice transition.

The level of the kitchen (through the double doors ) is higher than the ground, so a couple of steps were needed, along with a comfortable landing.

A seat wall is a nice feature, but can be optional since it adds onto the costs.

Cost Information

I am using $20 per square foot, although it might me a bit less or more in your area.

The patio is a little under 500 square feet. (The landing area is additional and priced separately.)

  • Patio - $9780
  • Landing and steps - $2700
  • Seat Wall - $4000

Total Cost $16480

The landing includes natural stone risers, bluestone treads and stone side walls for the landing.

As you can see, the seat wall adds on quite a bit. In addition, if you don’t need a landing, you will save money there.

Another cost saving option? Make the patio smaller. You can see on my page where I show the costs for a simple patio that your patio does not have to be this large at all. The patio here is more than half the cost, yet still accommodates quite a bit of furniture.

Landscaping Costs information.

Find out more about the prices of landscaping with my ebook Landscaping Costs. Being informed will save you money.

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Check out this ebook here.

Need help designing your patio? Take a look at my ebook Patio Plans For Inspiration to get some great ideas.

All designs and photos are from projects I designed for clients.

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Bluestone Patio Costs Per Square Foot to Paving Costs

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